Woodturning Gauge Nova 10051


Because they use it very much during their work, Australian wood turners who own the Nova woodturning gauge like to call it “my buddy”. They always keep it on hand and trust it totally.

This heavy duty red polycarbonate accessory is a 10 in 1 comprehensive tool that combines over ten commonly used functions like:

  • Dovetail gauge: easy way to create and check 5 dovetail recess sizes (25, 45, 50, 100 and 130 mm)
  • Diameter gauge: allows to turn a piece of wood up to 8 desired diameters (7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 11/16", 3/4", 7/8", 1")
  • Center finder: accurate way for finding the center of a round or square stock (maximum 170 mm dia.)
  • Dowel gauge: helps to measure up dowel size
  • Angle checker: 8 commonly used angles for checking chisels, knives, blades, etc. (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45, 50 and 70 degrees)
  • Bowl chisel gauge: for checking different angles for bowl chisels (22, 35 and 55 degrees)
  • Furniture dovetail marking: used as an approximate guide for 8 degrees dovetail bits
  • Faceplate mark out tool: quick way to mark out Nova 50 and 80 mm faceplates
  • Ruler scales: metric scale from 0 to 100 mm and imperial scale from 0 to 5"
  • Protractor: round scale for checking angles at 10 degree intervals

Finally, you too will have more than 10 good reasons to keep your own “buddy” close to you!

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