Installing moulding is not rocket science; but installing moulding right, that’s another story and it can even become a real challenge given that the angle of the walls is rarely perfect. For those who dream of becoming a "Pro" of moulding installation, INNO-V-Solutions has designed a versatile and practical tool which will allow you to install Ogees with close joints, with no calculation and no mistake. The tool consists of a double protractor which allows to correctly identify inside and outside angles; since the measurement obtained is divisible by 2 without compensation, this enables to get perfect joints every time.
Over 70 years of Experience
Normand relies on a team of dynamic and experienced people ready to share their knowledge and experience with customers.
One Stop Shop
Normand offers a one stop counter concept where the customer can find the answer to all his needs for woodworking, from the large specialized corporation to the small cabinetmaker.
Great Expertise
Normand continually invests in the training and development of its staff. The acquisition of modern management and information tools as well as their status update on an ongoing basis is part of our commitment to excellence.